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Acoustics in the Future - 10 Interesting Facts....

Samantha Hathway

Acoustics in the Future

On 15 April 2016, the great and the good of the acoustics world gathered at the Royal Society in London to discuss the future of research into acoustics. It was a fascinating conference and I'd like to share some of the nuggets of information I took away with me:

1. The design of new cars is being increasingly influenced by mobile phones and the need for connectivity

2. There is a correlation between the quality of the audio on YouTube videos and the number of views (sound is important!)

3. Despite the image quality of modern TVs increasing at a rapid pace, most people still only use their TV's stereo speakers - stereo being a technology from the 1930s!

4. Noise will be a key consideration in the design of future mega-cities

5. Acoustics is currently being used to detect IEDs and even to clean things

6. Hump-back whales generate a ring of bubbles around shawls of fish to form an acoustic 'net', which disorientates the fish so that the whale can strike

7. There are currently over £100M of acoustics-related research projects underway

8. Noise generated by aircraft has reduced by 35 dB since 1990

9. Every £1 spent on research generates £10 for the economy

10. Danny Boyle is quoted as saying that 70-80% of the movie experience is sound

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